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August 2014

Energy levels and sharing the LIFE on

The more I train the more energy I have. It’s released through when I am not training. I did an Olympic distance triathlon for the fun of it this weekend, sharing the even with couple of dozens of fellow triathletes. And while being out there I was wrapping my mind around one phenomena: an amazing thing happens as I start sharing these sparkles of energy with people around me –  they carry it on. They take their steps forward, reflecting the spark , turning it into something actual , real. I hear “I started running cause I read your blog” ( the Russian one) or “I did 5 miles today after we talked”. This energy exchange goes in both directions



Once, at a day when I was a bit down, a Shawna asked if somebody would join her for a run in morning. I didn’t plan any massive workout for that morning, it would probably be some 3-miler with whatever pace. But then I got myself out to the Riverside and saw one of the most amazing summer sunrises. I shared the run with the friend and eventually almost PRed at 5 miler.

The idea of the Happyness Jar night , the gathering people I met at my place worked out even so much better then I could imagine

For all the evening my home was filled with laughter, talks, sharing food, sharing stories, plans, past travels, sharing – LIFE.  Friendly hugs – “Clapping of friendly angel wings on my shoulders ”.

I kept thinking: my life is so blessed with the chance of meeting people close to my heart at this point of my journey. I was listening to all the talks, feeling my friends presence around close to me, thinking – it’s pure magic! It’s the only real thing out there – eyes shining with happiness when we meet, girls chatter, guys exchanging meaningful stories and experiences, laughter and quieter moments when someone tells their stories.

Last night the world was shocked by passing away of an amazing extraordinary person, Robin Williams. As I browsed through the Facebook feed, I didn’t get it at first, why does everybody quote his saying

I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel alone.

Read on about sharing LIFE with people, lifting people up and the brightness of sparkles ignited

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